Laurel wreath tattoo. What does a Laurel wreath tattoo mean? Laurel wreath tattoo for men

The ancient world, with its wealth of sacraments and mysteries, attracts modern man with even greater force, as if trying to suggest something and protect him from something.
A bay leaf tattoo carries a huge energy-informational load, serves as a kind of beautiful protection and an element of modern fashion at the same time. The ancient world, with its wealth of sacraments and mysteries, attracts modern man with even greater force, as if trying to suggest something and protect him from something.
A bay leaf tattoo carries a huge energy-informational load, serves as a kind of beautiful protection and an element of modern fashion at the same time.

The first mentions of bay leaf tattoos

The first evidence of the existence of traditions and rituals of applying various designs with deep meaning to human bodies goes back thousands of years. There is no consensus among scientists about the age of tattoos. In Ancient Egypt, the date was recorded - 5 thousand years ago. There is another date - 60 thousand years.
The origin of the bay leaf symbol is due to the story of the ardent love of the son of Zeus Apollo for the charming maiden Daphne, daughter of the river god Peneus. But images of the noble laurel can also be found in ancient Tibetan manuscripts.
The prototype of the bay leaf tattoo was Tibetan bracelets, which were made by enlightened monks. The famous bracelets became known in Ancient Greece. However, weaving and transporting them took a lot of time, and applying the image could be done much faster.
History has erased the names of the first masters, but has preserved the memory of the traditions of Ancient Greece, the winners of the Olympic Games, and fearless warriors for the bay leaf tattoo.

Bay leaf tattoo - magic

In any magic there is a certain share of physical laws of Nature that work flawlessly, but have not yet been discovered by official science.
The bay leaf symbol has a strong information matrix, the age of which is estimated at thousands of years. Therefore, the projection of a symbol on the human body can serve not only as fashion, but also as a powerful means of protection.
A bay leaf tattoo cleanses the human body of dangerous destructive, negative energies. It can strengthen a person’s strength and will.
The laurel in the projection of the tattoo successfully fights any fears and self-doubt, restoring living energy and neutralizing negative energy surges.
The drawing supports a healthy emotional background, strengthens resistance to stress, thanks to which any conflicts are resolved much more constructively.
There are cases when the symbol of the noble laurel united human hearts, kindling tender feelings in them. If the laurel tree once separated the children of the great gods, now it is “trying” to correct its “ancient” mistake.

Bay leaf tattoo meaning and features

Association with victory and glory over a long historical path allowed the design of a laurel wreath to informationally reflect the highest level of recognition of human merit.
The bay leaf tattoo is a sacred symbol of winners, talented people striving for eternal victory in all areas of life, including victory over themselves.
The evergreen tree symbolizes constancy and the unattainable mystery of eternity. In real, everyday life, these categories materialize into renewal, cleansing, and recovery.
The desire to conquer the inaccessible Mount Olympus leads tattoo owners to wise diplomatic steps, fostering Olympian calm and cool mind.
People who wear noble laurel tattoos are often called talented pioneers. The eternal greenery of the tree instills inexhaustible faith in victory and good luck.
A bay leaf tattoo looks great on any part of the body. If the owner of the tattoo identifies himself with Apollo, then the symbol will look advantageous on the chest.

A laurel wreath tattoo signifies victory, union, strength, great torment, confidence, aspiration, and triumph.

Meaning of laurel wreath tattoo

Nowadays, the “laurel wreath” tattoo is gradually gaining popularity. Perhaps this is due to the fact that the image itself is quite aesthetic and effective, simple in execution technique and at the same time very eloquent. The main meaning of the symbol has always been “victory”, “knowledge”, “reward”, but let’s talk about those meanings that could have passed us by.

The image of a laurel wreath is quite popular in the creative community. Laurel leaves in the form of a wreath have always been a reward for the best poets and musicians. This tattoo may play the role of a special symbol that attracts good luck in creative endeavors for those who consider themselves a creative person.

The wreath at the same time denotes a symbol of the eternal and constant, and at the same time, loyalty to goals and values.

It is curious that in ancient times the laurel wreath was taken as a symbol of torment. Therefore, he was depicted as people being blamed for the sins of others. Because of this, the meaning of this symbol in places of detention is usually chosen by people who were wrongly convicted and forced to serve a sentence for a real criminal.

Not so often, but sometimes a wreath of laurel leaves is associated with memory and eternal life. Laurel - its leaves are evergreen, so the connection with immortality is inevitable. This idea is connected with the fact that in ancient times a wreath was associated with a sign of union - between the living world and the other world, where people found peace, and they also believed that with its help the connection between generations in the family was strengthened.

It is also interesting that in different peoples and cultures the laurel wreath is a talisman. It is believed that this image will be able to save a person from dark forces, and among other things, protect him from illness, and the owner will become strong in spirit and body. At the same time, there is an opinion that a wreath will make you be confident and not afraid of anything.

People who have tattoos, they gravitate towards the continuous study of their soul, where the main goal is to identify aspects that determine their future life and force them to conquer new heights. A stubborn desire for victorious triumph distinguishes tattoo bearers from the rest of the people. It was not for nothing that emperors wore wreaths made of these leaves. The one who chose this tattoo as his symbol does not want to live a stereotypical life, but to live as a realized person whose dreams soar upward.

Truly brave and self-confident people can choose this tattoo without hesitation, because its meaning fully corresponds to the character of the owner. This composition from the leaves of a noble plant will definitely inspire you to strive for heights.

A tattoo in the form of a wreath will indicate that a person is doing his best to make his dreams come true. The owner will definitely have a serious incentive to not stop and achieve what he wants. The bearer of a tattoo strives for triumph with all his guts, and there is nothing more important than victory in any struggle. For this he is ready to go to the most extreme measures.

If a person does not remember such courage, you should think about the tattoo more carefully. On the other hand, those who have overcome the fear of getting a tattoo have already taken a step towards their pedestal.

Laurel is a symbol of victory that has come to us through millennia. The laurel wreath was worn by Roman emperors, it was awarded to winners, modern film awards are named in its honor, and it still adorns the coats of arms of many states. Such a symbol simply could not help but penetrate tattoo culture. Let's take a closer look at the history of the origin of the symbol and the meaning of the laurel wreath tattoo.

Myths and reality

The Greeks considered the laurel to be the tree of Apollo. There is a myth that a beautiful nymph named Daphne took a vow of chastity, but the god Apollo was so fascinated by her that he could not control himself and began to pursue her. Daphne began to pray to the gods for help, and they turned her into a laurel tree. The patron of the arts hugged him, but everything was in vain, the beautiful nymph could not be returned. Since then, the laurel has become the sacred tree of Apollo. Therefore, in Greece, all outstanding artists began to be awarded with laurel wreaths.

In the Roman Empire, the best warriors received a laurel wreath; it symbolized the peace that was to come with the overthrow of enemies. Emperors also wore wreaths made of laurel branches. The laurel was associated with the immaculate Vestals, so it became a symbol of chastity and piety.

Early Christians saw the laurel wreath as a symbol of martyrdom and eternal life. During the Hellenistic period, it became associated with glory. It is noteworthy that in the Middle Ages the laurel wreath disappeared from the list of traditional heraldic symbols; its revival occurred only at the end of the 18th century after the French Revolution.
By the way, the word “laureate” is directly related to this plant and means “crowned with laurel.”


The roots of laurel symbolism, as already mentioned, are in ancient times. So, what does a laurel wreath tattoo mean?

  • Faith in victory. A person strives for victory with all his soul; there is nothing more important for him in life than to emerge victorious from any situation. For the sake of victory, he is ready to do absolutely anything.
  • Determination. A laurel wreath tattoo indicates that a person spares no effort to achieve his goals. He has a fairly serious incentive to continue to move forward and achieve what he wants.
  • Courage. Since wreaths of laurel branches were awarded to warriors who distinguished themselves more than others on the battlefield, it is also considered a symbol of courage, military honor and valor.
  • Wisdom. Laurel wreaths were also worn by emperors, and only a wise emperor is able to rule long and justly.
  • Greatness. A person who chooses such a tattoo dreams not only of living life with dignity, of realizing himself as a person, or of creating a happy family, but his dreams are much more global. He wants to achieve the highest position in society.
  • Creation. The laurel wreath served as a reward for the best poets, musicians, and dancers. Such a tattoo can become a kind of amulet that attracts good luck in creative endeavors for young artists.
  • Immortality of the soul. Laurel is an evergreen tree, so the association with eternal life is inevitable.

The laurel wreath is also found among prison tattoos. In this context, this symbol indicates that the prisoner was unfairly convicted, that he is serving a sentence for a crime that he did not commit. This meaning comes precisely from the Christian interpretation of the symbol.

Stylistic decisions

Both women and men love to reap laurels. The laurel wreath is most often depicted in black, without any decorative elements. But there are also more original ideas, for example, a laurel wreath with flowers and ribbons, inscriptions crowned with a laurel.

Such tattoos are rarely very large in size, so they look great almost anywhere. The most suitable places are the shoulder, forearm, lower leg, thigh, neck, between the shoulder blades.